Loan Documents

Apostille One Stop Shop

What are Loan Signing Notarizations?

Notary Public

A notary public is a public officer who is authorized to witness the signing of documents and to administer oaths. In the context of loan signing, a notary public may be present at the signing of a loan document to witness the signing of the document and to verify the identity of the person signing the document.

Notaries cannot give legal advice

It is important to note that a notary public is not a lawyer and cannot provide legal advice or representation. If you have questions about the terms of your loan or any other legal matters, you should consult with an attorney.

Apostille One Stop Shop
Suzanne Sheppard Certified Apostille Agent/Notary Public Apostille One-stop Shop

Notary’s Role

In a loan signing the notary insures that the person signing the document is the person identified in the document and that the person understands the terms and conditions of the loan.

The notary may also be responsible for ensuring that all necessary documents are present and that the document is properly executed.

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How this works

During a notary loan signing, the borrower and any co-borrowers will be required to sign a number of documents, including the loan agreement, promissory note, mortgage or deed of trust, and any other related documents. 

The notary will typically witness the signing of these documents and may also be required to stamp or seal the documents to verify their authenticity.

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