General Notary Services

Notary Services

We Are Here to Serve You.

Some Notarization Elements

  1. Administering oaths and affirmations: A notary public can administer an oath or affirmation, which is a formal declaration made under penalty of perjury that a statement is true. This may be required in cases where a person needs to swear to the truth of a statement in a legal proceeding.

  2. Witnessing signatures: A notary public can witness the signing of a document, which means that they can verify that the person signing the document is who they claim to be and that they are signing the document of their own free will. This is often required for legal documents, such as contracts, deeds, and wills.

  3. Authenticating documents: A notary public can authenticate the execution of a document, which means that they can verify that the document was signed and witnessed in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction. This is important because it ensures that the document has legal validity.

Notary’s Role

A notary public is a public officer who is authorized to perform certain legal functions, such as administering oaths, witnessing signatures on documents, and authenticating the execution of documents. The specific duties of a notary public may vary by jurisdiction, but they generally include the items on this page.

Notary services are important because they provide an independent third-party witness to the signing of important documents such as Wills and Trusts, Loan Documents, Estate Planning and more. This helps to ensure that the documents are legally valid and protects the parties involved from fraud or disputes. Notaries are also useful in situations where it is not possible for all parties to be present at the same time, such as when one party is out of the country.

Wills and Trusts

Loan Docs

19 Employee Verification

Business Documents

Medical Forms

Title/Bill of Sale

VIN Verifications

Marriage Licenses


Divorce Decrees

Bank or Financial Forms


Certified Photo copies - Contracts - School Forms

Declaration of Domestic Partnerships

Adoption Documents Court Depositions

DS-3053 Minor Passport Parental Consent Form

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