Estate Planning

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What are Estate Planning Documents?

Last Will & Testament
A will gives you the power to decide what is in the best interest of your children after you are gone. It also helps you determine what will happen to your possessions. Typically names an executor who will be in charge of following your directions. In the absence of a will, a probate court will name an executor.

Revocable Living Trust
A living trust is another tool for passing assets to heirs while avoiding probate proceedings. You will name a trustee to manage your property.

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Beneficiary Designations
Allows you to transfer assets to individuals upon your death.

Durable Power of Attorney
Authorizes your agent to continue to act for you after you have become incapacitated. This document ends at your death. It can take effect as soon as you sign it, or at a future date if you were to become incapacitated.

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Health Care Directive & Living Will
A legal document that tells your doctor your wishes about your health care if you can’t make decisions for yourself.

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